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Wagashi Candle Certification Course

Wagashi Candle Certification Course

Every student can definitely find their own characteristics in it. The purpose of studying wax art courses is to bring you different inspirations, so that each student can have his or her own shining point.

Wagashi Candle Certification Course

Every student can definitely find their own characteristics in it. The purpose of studying wax art courses is to bring you different inspirations, so that each student can have his or her own shining point.

What's Wagashi?

The ancients said, "If you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening." Chaguo and tea ceremony are of the same origin. There is a word in tea ceremony called "One period, one meeting", which means that every moment in life cannot be repeated, so there is no need to Worry about gains and losses, and have distracting thoughts.

Wagashi exists with tea. Although it is not as long-lasting as ceramic utensils and is a fleeting thing, it is more valued by tea drinkers.
Every wagashi is unique and only made once. Our circumstances are also unique. Even if we perform the same refining movements, we will have different moods.


Same goes for making wagashi candles.
Wagashi candles themselves are the meaning, just cherish and enjoy the process.


  • 時間:課程詳情請按此查詢
  • 活動長度:10:00 - 17:00(一個小時休息)
  • 工作坊形式:線上實時直播(可互動交流)/ 線下工作室上課
  • 線下課地點:廣州、東莞
  • 費用 (港幣):HK$3200(限時9折優惠,名額有限)
  • 課程材料包(國際段郵費自理)
  • 完成課程後可取得實體證書乙張
  • 訂金/學費不接受任何理由的退款,可自行轉讓課程或調整上課時間


  • 韓國Hastable Master Class香氛蠟燭大師課程專業講師
  • 韓國Has chocolate蠟燭課程講師
  • 韓國CLAB烘培蠟燭專業講師(BAKING CANDLE)
  • 韓國CLAB甜點蠟燭專業講師(DESSERT PACK 1)
  • IFA刮刀花蠟燭專業講師
  • IFA韓式擠花蠟燭專業講師
  • KNDA韓國天然設計協會soyp蛋糕蠟燭資格證持有
  • KAIA韓國芳療協會頒發的天然香皂證書持有

春 | 和菓子蠟燭設計

“偶作小红桃杏色,闲雅,尚余孤瘦雪霜姿” ——苏轼《定风波·咏红梅》


夏 | 和菓子蠟燭設計

“唯有牡丹真國色,花開時節動京城” ——劉禹錫《賞牡丹》


秋 | 和菓子蠟燭設計

“黃花諦說年年好,也趁秋光老” ——辛棄疾《醉花陰‧黃花諦說年年好》


冬 | 和菓子蠟燭設計

「東園三日雨兼風,桃李飄零掃地空。惟有山茶偏耐久,綠叢又放數枝紅。」— 陸遊《山茶》

